What folks know that ain't so
A friend wrote to ask, "When did European Universities stop teaching that the world is flat?" My response was: Trick question, eh? Of course UNIVERSITIES never taught that the world was flat. The ancient Greeks (and Babylonians, Egyptians, etcetera) all recognized that the earth was a globe. In fact the Greeks were estimating the circumference of the Earth in the 4th or 3rd century B.C. with the tools of trigonometry. How accurate the result was is unclear since the answer was expressed in stades and nobody is sure which stadia he meant or even how long those were. The luminous quality of this fact is that it demonstrates that men were not only aware that the world was on a sphere, but even trying to approach the question of 'How big is it?" in a scientific, rational manner. The procedure was this: Erect a vertical pole at some point in northern Egypt (say Giza) and do the same at someplace upriver (Abu simbel, for instance) that lies on about the same longitud...